Metal High Flow Filters product photo Primary L

Metal High Flow Filters

Larger Filter Area, Longer Filter Life

Pall ‘Rigimesh’ and ‘PMF’ range of cleanable metal high-flow filter has been extended to include a high area, large bore version. These are specifically designed to provide a very high surface area, up to 4.1 m2, for handling large flow rates. Manufactured from Rigimesh or PMF medium to give very low clean differential pressure drops. Absolute removal from 2.5 micron up to 105 micron in liquids and .25 to 85 micron in gases.




  • Large diameter high surface area 
  • Low clean differential pressure
    High dirt capacity
    Longer filter Life
    Can replace up to 30 conventional metal filters
  • More flow per cartridge
  • Smaller systems
    Quicker changeout
  • Absolute removal ratings from 2.5 up to 225  µm
  • Offers consistent and reproducible filtration throughout filter life
    Single housing offers wide variety of removal solutions
  • Cleanable
  • Easier to clean than conventional metal filters

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Larger Filter Area, Longer Filter Life

Pall ‘Rigimesh’ and ‘PMF’ range of cleanable metal high-flow filter has been extended to include a high area, large bore version. These are specifically designed to provide a very high surface area, up to 4.1 m2, for handling large flow rates. Manufactured from Rigimesh or PMF medium to give very low clean differential pressure drops. Absolute removal from 2.5 micron up to 105 micron in liquids and .25 to 85 micron in gases.




  • Large diameter high surface area 
  • Low clean differential pressure
    High dirt capacity
    Longer filter Life
    Can replace up to 30 conventional metal filters
  • More flow per cartridge
  • Smaller systems
    Quicker changeout
  • Absolute removal ratings from 2.5 up to 225  µm
  • Offers consistent and reproducible filtration throughout filter life
    Single housing offers wide variety of removal solutions
  • Cleanable
  • Easier to clean than conventional metal filters

Cartridge Dimensions

Nominal length:  380 mm (15")
762 mm (30") 
Outer diameter: 190 mm (7.45") 
Inner diameter: 100 mm (6.3") 

Operating Characteristics

Maximum Differential Pressure
Conventional Flow Out to In*
Operating Temperature
12 bard 250°C 
17 bard 21°C

Maximum Differential Pressure
Reverse Flow In to Out
Operating Temperature
0.7 bard 21°C 

* For fluids compatible with the filter element at the stated temperature

To correct for different viscosity, use the following formulas:

GAS  Differential Pressure x (Gas viscosity/.018)
LIQUID  Differential Pressure x Viscosity

These values are for the media only.

You will need to add the tubesheet p as follows:

GASES  The differential pressure caused by the connections is negligible at .001mbar and can be ignored
LIQUIDS  The differential pressure caused by the connections can be taken as constant for each application at 55 mbar 


Typical Applications

  • Used where high flow rates combined with high temperatures
    preclude the use of polymeric products.
  • Gas compressor inlets to reduce the effects of fouling.
  • Catalyst protection, to increase catalyst life.
  • Heat exchanger protection to reduce energy costs.
  • Pump protection to increase pump life.

Clean Calculated Media Differential Pressure
Drops per Standard Cartridge


Gas (mbar/Sm3hr) Liquid (mbar/lpm)
GRADE  15 ins  30 ins  15 ins  30 ins 
025 .039 .02 .178 .087
050 .009 .004 .043 .021
080 .007 .003 .03 .015
100 .004 .002 .02 .01
150 .002 .001 .01 .005
200 .001 .00025 .005 .0025
250 .001 .00025 .004 .0019
300 .001 .00025 .0035 .0017
400 .001 .00025 .0025 .0012



Gas (mbar/Sm3hr) Liquid (mbar/lpm)
GRADE  15 ins  30 ins  15 ins  30 ins 
S .00009 .00004 .00009 .00004
R .00013 .00007 .00013 .00007
M .0003 .0002 .00035 .0002

These values are for air and water only.

Metal Filters

Part Numbers/Ordering Information

LB -  - 24

1 15"
2 30"

Media Code

Absolute (100%) Removal
Rating µm
    Liquids Gases 
Rigimesh RM 45 25
RR 70 55
RS 105 85
PMF* FH025 2.5 0.25
FH050 5.0 0.5
FH080 8.0 0.8
FH100 10 1.0
FH150 15 1.5
FH200 20 2.0
FH250 25 2.5
FH300 30 3.0
FH400 40 4.0

*Gas ratings are calculated values

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