Falcon® P-Nylon Photoresist Filter product photo  L

Falcon® P-Nylon Photoresist Filter

The Falcon P-Nylon Photoresist filter is specifically designed to filter point-of-use photoresist and developers. The naturally hydrophilic nylon 6,6 membrane, with HDPE support and hardware, allows spontaneous wettability. This minimizes photochemical waste by providing quick start up, minimal bubble generation, and consistent performance. Low pressure drop is assured by the patented crescent shaped Ultipleat® filter configuration.
  • Optimized for complete and total wetting
  • Low hold-up volume
  • Quick venting
  • Excellent compatibility
  • Low differential pressure
  • Low extractables
  • Manufactured in a cleanroom environment
  • Captured O-ring to ease filter change out
  • Designed to fit most older photoresist dispense systems

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The Falcon P-Nylon Photoresist filter is specifically designed to filter point-of-use photoresist and developers. The naturally hydrophilic nylon 6,6 membrane, with HDPE support and hardware, allows spontaneous wettability. This minimizes photochemical waste by providing quick start up, minimal bubble generation, and consistent performance. Low pressure drop is assured by the patented crescent shaped Ultipleat® filter configuration.
  • Optimized for complete and total wetting
  • Low hold-up volume
  • Quick venting
  • Excellent compatibility
  • Low differential pressure
  • Low extractables
  • Manufactured in a cleanroom environment
  • Captured O-ring to ease filter change out
  • Designed to fit most older photoresist dispense systems



  • Medium: Hydrophilic nylon 6,6
  • Core, cage, and end caps: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • Support and drainage: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
  • O-ring options: Fluoroelastomer, EPR, Perfluoroelastomer

Removal Ratings

  • 0.2 μm, 0.1 μm, 40 nm, 20 nm

Filter Areas

  • 9116 style: 1400 cm2 / 1.5 ft2 9140 and 9240 styles: 3700 cm2 / 4.0 ft2


  • Nominal length:
    • 9116 style: 52 mm / 2.04 in.
    • 9140 style: 113.5 mm / 4.47 in.
    • 9240 style: 127 mm / 5.02 in.
  • Diameter: 66 mm / 2.62 in
  • O-ring size/end caps :
    • 9116 & 9140 styles: single 015 external / flat end
    • 9240 style: double 118 external / flat end

Operating Conditions

  • Maximum operating temperature: 60 °C / 140 °F
  • Maximum forward/reverse differential pressure: 410 kPa @ 50 °C / 60 psid @ 120 °F

Recommended Applications

  • Up to 3% TMAH-based developers
  • i-line, 248 nm, and 193 nm photoresist
  • Anti-reflective coatings
  • Solvents


Pressure Drop vs. Liquid Flow Rate1


MCD9140 / MCD 9240
MCD9140 / MCD 9240
1 For liquids with a viscosity differing from 1cP, multiply the pressure drop by the viscosity in centipoise.


Filter Cartridges

Ordering Information

Part Number Removal Rating Nominal Length (mm / in.) O-Ring Size / Endcap O-Ring Material
MCD9116UNAEJ 0.2 μm 52 / 2.04 015 / flat end EPR
MCD9116UNIEJ 0.1 μm 52 / 2.04 015 / flat end EPR
MCD9116UNIEH11 0.1 μm 52 / 2.04 015 / flat end Perfluoroelastomer
MCD9140UNIEH 0.1 μm 113.5 / 4.47 015 / flat end Fluoroelastomer
MCD9140UNIEJ 0.1 μm 113.5 / 4.47 015 / flat end EPR
MCD9140UNIEH11 0.1 μm 113.5 / 4.47 015 / flat end Perfluoroelastomer
MCD9240UNIEH11 0.1 μm 127.5 / 5.02 Double 118 / flat end Perfluoroelastomer
MCD9116UNDEH 40 nm 52 / 2.04 015 / flat end Fluoroelastomer
MCD9116UNDEJ 40 nm 52 / 2.04 015 / flat end EPR
MCD9116UNDEH11 40 nm 52 / 2.04 015 / flat end Perfluoroelastomer
MCD9140UNDEH 40 nm 113.5 / 4.47 015 / flat end Fluoroelastomer
MCD9140UNDEJ 40 nm 113.5 / 4.47 015 / flat end EPR
MCD9140UNDEH11 40 nm 113.5 / 4.47 015 / flat end Perfluoroelastomer
MCD9240UNDEH11 40 nm 127.5 / 5.02 Double 118 / flat end Perfluoroelastomer
MCD9116ANMEH11 20 nm 52 / 2.04 015 / flat end Perfluoroelastomer

Unit conversion: 1 bar = 100 kilopascals


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