Poly-Fine® ARD Series Filter Cartridges  Produktbild Primary L

Poly-Fine® ARD Series Filter Cartridges

Spiral Wound Absolute Rated Depth Filter Cartridge

  • Innovative depth filter cartridge technology
  • All-polypropylene components
  • Absolute rated at >99.9% efficiency with retention ratings from 0.5 to 70 microns
  • Proprietary filter media produced directly by Pall for highly consistent, reproducible performance
  • Cartridge free of surfactants, binders and adhesives
  • Graded pore structure provides pre and final filtration in one cartridge
  • Resists contaminant unloading even at high differential pressures

* Required

Spiral Wound Absolute Rated Depth Filter Cartridge

  • Innovative depth filter cartridge technology
  • All-polypropylene components
  • Absolute rated at >99.9% efficiency with retention ratings from 0.5 to 70 microns
  • Proprietary filter media produced directly by Pall for highly consistent, reproducible performance
  • Cartridge free of surfactants, binders and adhesives
  • Graded pore structure provides pre and final filtration in one cartridge
  • Resists contaminant unloading even at high differential pressures

Performance Specifications

Filter grades1

0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 70 μm

Maximum differential pressure

1.0 bard @ 82°C (15 psid @ 180°F)

5.2 bard @ 20°C (75 psid @ 68°F)

NOTE: Heavy wall center core option is recommended for applications where the operating temperature exceeds 52°C (125°F).

Recommended change-out differential pressure2

2.4 bard (35 psid)

Food and water contact use

Please contact Pall Corporation to verify that the product conforms to your national legislation and/or regional regulatory requirements for water and food contact use.


Rinse-up to 18 Megohm-cm with a minimum of throughput.


Cartridges are free of surfactants, resins, binders, and adhesives.

Chemical compatibility

Poly-Fine ARD Series filter cartridges are compatible with a broad array of fluids. Consult the factory for specific compatibility information.

Sanitizing agents

Cartridge may be sanitized in place with common oxidizing agents. Consult the factory for compatibility information.

Product Specifications

Materials of construction

Filter media: Polypropylene
Hardware: Polypropylene 
Support material: Polypropylene
Netting: Polypropylene 
Gaskets/O-rings: Silicone elastomer, EPDM, nitrile, fluorocarbon elastomer, expanded PTFE, FEP encapsulated silicone, white silicone, white nitrile, white neoprene, Santoprene3 (DOE only), FEP encapsulated fluorocarbon elastomer 

Dimensions (nominal)

Outside diameter: 6.6 cm (2.6 in)
Lengths: 10.2 cm (4 in), 24.8 cm (9.75 in),
25.4 cm (10 in), 49.5 cm (19.5 in),
50.8 cm (20 in), 74.3 cm (29.25 in),
76.2 cm (30 in), 99.1 cm (39 in),
102 cm (40 in) 

1- >99.9% retention rating by ASTM F-795 test.
2- Provided that the maximum differential pressure is not exceeded based on temperature limits defined above.
3- Registered trademark of Advanced Elastomer Systems.

Typical Flow vs. Differential Pressure for Application Sizing3

Unit conversion: 1 bar = 100 kPa
3- Flow rate is for a 25.4 cm (10 in) cartridge. For liquids other than water, multiply differential pressure by fluid viscosity (cP).
Filter Cartridges

ARD ■ - ● ▐ ♦ - ▼ (e.g., ARD 10–10US–M3)

Filter Grades
0.5 0.5 μm
1 1 μm
3 3 μm
5 5 μm
10 10 μm
20 20 μm
40 40 μm
70 70 μm

Cartridge Lengths cm/in (nominal)
4 10.2 (4)
9.75 24.8 (9.75)
10 25.4 (10)
19.5 49.5 (19.5)
20 50.8 (20)
29.25 74.3 (29.25)
30 76.2 (30)
39 99.1 (39)
40 102 (40)

Center Core
U Polypropylene (standard)
HW Heavy wall polypropylene (except 0.5 μm)

Gasket/O-ring Materials5
S Silicone
N Nitrile
V Fluorocarbon elastomer
T Expanded PTFE (gaskets)
FEP encapsulated silicone (O-rings)
M White silicone
W White nitrile
Z White neoprene (gaskets)
F FEP encapsulated fluorocarbon elastomer (O-rings)

End Configurations
1X DOE, 2.54 cm (1 in) extended core
M3 SOE flat closed end, external 222 O-rings (retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 0)4
M3H SOE large diameter closed end, external 222 O-rings
M4 SOE fin end, external 222 O-rings with locking tabs (silicone and EPDM O-rings only)
M5 DOE, internal 120 O-rings (retrofits 213 O-ring style)4
M6 SOE flat closed end, external 226 O-rings (retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 6)4
M7 SOE fin end, external 226 O-rings (retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 7)4
M8 SOE fin end, external 222 O-rings (retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 5)4
M10 DOE, internal O-rings (fits other manufacturers’ housings)4
M11 SOE flat closed end, internal 120 O-ring (retrofits other manufacturers’ X style)4
M18 SOE flat closed end, external 222 O-ring
M20 SOE with internal O-rings (same as M10), closed end with deep recess
DOE DOE with elastomer gasket seals and end caps
H21 DOE, Santoprene gasket seal
4- For details, contact Pall Corporation.
5- Leave blank if ordering H21 end configuration.

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