Membralox® IC Ceramic Membranes Produktbild Primary L

Membralox® IC Ceramic Membranes

For High Capacity Crossflow Filtration

Membralox IC ceramic elements are high surface area multichannel membranes designed for high capacity crossflow filtration of process fluids and effluents.

Membralox membranes are the key components of crossflow systems used in numerous food and beverage applications.

Membralox IC ceramic elements are asymmetric multi-channel membranes composed of a porous alumina support and filtering layers. Their innovative and highly compact design in unique 4 and 5.5 mm channel geometries provide superior filtration area per multichannel element - up to 570 m2/m3.

The increased capacity of the Membralox IC filtration modules, up to 45% more than standard module configurations, enables optimized system loop design, which results in more compact systems, with smaller footprint and reduced hardware costs. The smaller hold-up volume of the system loops also results in a significant reduction of the related water and chemical cleaning costs.

Pall Membralox IC membranes, 100% ceramic and 100% bubble point tested, feature the same exceptional performance, mechanical and chemical resistance and service life as the well-recognized Membralox product range.

HCS and SD modules are available in a smart 3-A sanitary design, which meets the requirements of 3-A Sanitary Standards #10-04, and industrial compact design enable flexible loop design, optimum cleanability and long reliable operating life.

Features Benefits
Unique and highly compact geometry, designed with increased surface area for higher flow rates
  • Optimization of membrane system loops
  • Cost-effective solution requiring less filtration modules and smaller system footprint
  • Reduced hold-up volume and shorter return on investment
Highly asymmetric structure with 12 μm ceramic support pore size High flux and module capacity
High homogeneity and quality of the filtration layers
  • Optimum filtration performance and selectivity
  • High recovery and process yields
Exceptional mechanical resistance
  • Suited to high fouling liquids, viscous products, high concentration factors
  • Ability to withstand upset conditions and high frequency backpulsing cycles
  • Long service life
Wide chemical and pH compatibility (0-14) Excellent thermal stability
  • Easily sanitizable and sterilizable
  • Suited to continuous hot temperature operation and numerous cleaning-in-place (CIP) cycles
  • Long service life
Patented alumina end-sealing Superior resistance to corrosion and to cleaning cycles
100% integrity tested prior to dispatch Lot traceable with documented quality

* Required

For High Capacity Crossflow Filtration

Membralox IC ceramic elements are high surface area multichannel membranes designed for high capacity crossflow filtration of process fluids and effluents.

Membralox membranes are the key components of crossflow systems used in numerous food and beverage applications.

Membralox IC ceramic elements are asymmetric multi-channel membranes composed of a porous alumina support and filtering layers. Their innovative and highly compact design in unique 4 and 5.5 mm channel geometries provide superior filtration area per multichannel element - up to 570 m2/m3.

The increased capacity of the Membralox IC filtration modules, up to 45% more than standard module configurations, enables optimized system loop design, which results in more compact systems, with smaller footprint and reduced hardware costs. The smaller hold-up volume of the system loops also results in a significant reduction of the related water and chemical cleaning costs.

Pall Membralox IC membranes, 100% ceramic and 100% bubble point tested, feature the same exceptional performance, mechanical and chemical resistance and service life as the well-recognized Membralox product range.

HCS and SD modules are available in a smart 3-A sanitary design, which meets the requirements of 3-A Sanitary Standards #10-04, and industrial compact design enable flexible loop design, optimum cleanability and long reliable operating life.

Features Benefits
Unique and highly compact geometry, designed with increased surface area for higher flow rates
  • Optimization of membrane system loops
  • Cost-effective solution requiring less filtration modules and smaller system footprint
  • Reduced hold-up volume and shorter return on investment
Highly asymmetric structure with 12 μm ceramic support pore size High flux and module capacity
High homogeneity and quality of the filtration layers
  • Optimum filtration performance and selectivity
  • High recovery and process yields
Exceptional mechanical resistance
  • Suited to high fouling liquids, viscous products, high concentration factors
  • Ability to withstand upset conditions and high frequency backpulsing cycles
  • Long service life
Wide chemical and pH compatibility (0-14) Excellent thermal stability
  • Easily sanitizable and sterilizable
  • Suited to continuous hot temperature operation and numerous cleaning-in-place (CIP) cycles
  • Long service life
Patented alumina end-sealing Superior resistance to corrosion and to cleaning cycles
100% integrity tested prior to dispatch Lot traceable with documented quality
  • Clarification of glucose syrups, fruit juices, beer tank bottom and fermentation broths
  • Purification and concentration of food and dairy products
  • CIP chemical recovery
  • Wastewater treatment with ceramic membrane bioreactors

Materials of Construction

  • Membrane Support: Ultrapure alpha-alumina
  • Filtering Layers: Alpha-alumina and/or zirconia depending on pore size
  • End Sealing: High purity α-alumina
  • Ceramic-to-Housing Gaskets: EPDM, FPM or PTFE depending on housing design
Cross section view of Membralox ceramic membrane
Cross section view of Membralox ceramic membrane (with x1010 magnification)

Multichannel Element Characteristics

  EP4840 EP2760
Channel Diameter1 4.0 mm 5.5 mm
Number of Channels 48 27
Filtration Surface Area 0.7 m² (7.4 ft²) 0.5 m² (5.38 ft²)
Length 1020 mm (3.35 ft) 1020 mm (3.35 ft)

Membrane Characteristics

  Pore Sizes2,3 Membrane Material
Microfiltration 0.8, 0.2 μm Alpha-alumina
Ultrafiltration 100, 50 nm Zirconia
The 12 μm pore size ceramic support of Membralox membranes is made of high purity alpha-alumina.

Membralox IC Ceramic MembranesExternal Dimensions
Drawings of P48-40 and P27-60 showing external dimensions

Membralox Compact HCB and 3-A HCS Module Designs

  M-19P4 M-36P
Number of Membranes 19 36
Filtration Surface Area
EP4840 13.1 m² (141.1 ft²) 24.8 m² (267.4 ft²)
EP2760 9.5 m² (102.3 ft²) 18.0 m² (193.8 ft²)

Membralox 3-A SD Module Design

  M-1P M-3P M-12P M-22P
Number of Membranes 1 3 12 22
Filtration Surface Area
EP4840 0.7 m² (7.4 ft²) 2.1 m² (6.8 ft²) 8.3 m² (27.2 ft²) 15.2 m² (163.4 ft²)
EP2760 0.5 m² (5.4 ft²) 1.5 m² (16.1 ft²) 6.0 m² (64.6 ft²) 11.0 m² (118.4 ft²)

Operating Limits of Membralox Modules in Aqueous Liquids5

  • Maximum Continuous Temperature: 95° C (203 °F)
  • Maximum Pressure: 10 bar (145.1 psi)6
The limits of use of Membralox modules are determined mainly by the type of housing or gasket materials employed. For more information, please contact Pall.

1Based on equivalent open cross sectional area
2As measured by Pall proprietary permeametry method
3Other pore sizes available on request
4Only available in HCB design
5Any liquids belonging to group II from PED 97/23/EC art. 9-§
61 bar = 100kPa


  • Manufactured under an ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System
Ceramic Filters
Clarification, Concentration, Polishing, Recovery, Separation
Membralox IC ceramic membranes are available assembled in 3-A sanitary (HCS and SD modules) or industrial module types (HCB modules). Based on pilot test data, Pall's Scientific and Laboratory Services experts can provide guidance in selecting the best membrane and module configuration to match process requirements.

This information is a guide to the part number structure and possible options. For availability of specific options and housing details, please contact Pall.

Example Part Number: EP 4840 GL 100mnZ(See bold references in tables below)

Part Number: EP < Element Type Code from Table 1 > GL < Pore Size Code from Table 2 >

Table 1 - Multichannel Element Type

Code Description
4840 48 channels 4.0 mm
2760 27 channels 5.5 mm

Table 2 - Membrane Pore Size

Code Description
0.8μA Alumina 0.8 μm microfiltration layer
0.2μA Alumina 0.2 μm microfiltration layer
100nmZ Zirconia 100 nm ultrafiltration layer
50nmZ Zirconia 50 nm ultrafiltration layer

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