Marksman™ PFT Series Filter Elements Produktbild Primary L

Marksman™ PFT Series Filter Elements

High Capacity Pleated Polypropylene Filter Elements

  • New, larger cartridge geometry
  • High flow capacity
  • Poly-Fine® II proprietary media for highly consistent filtration
  • Inside-out flow traps contaminant inside the element
  • Available to fit most Size 1 and Size 2 bag vessels with no hardware changes
  • Available in 101.6 cm (40 in) for use in unique 101.6 cm (40 in) Pall vessels
  • Unique sealing device adjusts to fit in most conventional bag filter vessels
  • High surface area for long service life
  • All polypropylene construction
  • Wide chemical compatibility

* Required


High Capacity Pleated Polypropylene Filter Elements

  • New, larger cartridge geometry
  • High flow capacity
  • Poly-Fine® II proprietary media for highly consistent filtration
  • Inside-out flow traps contaminant inside the element
  • Available to fit most Size 1 and Size 2 bag vessels with no hardware changes
  • Available in 101.6 cm (40 in) for use in unique 101.6 cm (40 in) Pall vessels
  • Unique sealing device adjusts to fit in most conventional bag filter vessels
  • High surface area for long service life
  • All polypropylene construction
  • Wide chemical compatibility


Product Specifications

Materials of construction

Filter media: Polypropylene
Hardware: Polypropylene
Support material: Polypropylene
Gaskets: EPDM, fluorocarbon elastomer, nitrile
Sealing: Thermal bond

Dimensions (nominal)

Outside flange diameter: Three diameters are available. Contact Pall for information on sizes.
Outside filter diameter: 15.2 cm (6 in)
Lengths: Size 1
Size 2
Size 4 - 101.6 cm (40 in)


Performance Specifications

Filter grades

1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 40, 70, 90, 150 micron (μm)

Maximum operating differential pressure

to 5.2 bard @ 20°C (75 psid @ 68°F)
to 2.4 bard @ 74°C (35 psid @ 165°F)

NOTE: Stainless steel flange recommended for temperatures in excess of 43°C (110°F).

Recommended change-out differential pressure1

2.4 bard @ up to 54°C (35 psid @ up to 130°F)

Food and water contact use

Please contact Pall Corporation to verify that the product conforms to your national legislation and/or regional regulatory requirements for water and food contact use.


Cartridges do not use surfactants, binders, and adhesives.


Contact Pall Corporation for assistance.

Particle Removal Ratings2 (μm)

Cartridge Designation 90% Efficiency ≥99.9% Efficiency
PFTM 1 1 -
PFTM 3 2 -
PFTM 5 - 5
PFTM 10 - 9
PFTM 20 - 15
PFTM 40 20 -
PFTM 70 - 70
PFTM 90 57 -
PFTM 150 - 145

Typical Flow

Filter Grade mbard/lpm (psid/gpm) Water @ 20°C (68°F)
Size 1 Size 2 40 in
1 0.838
3 0.346
5 0.109
10 0.054
20 0.036
40 0.018
70 0.018
90 0.018
150 0.018

NOTE: For kPa, multiply mbard/lpm by 0.1

1Provided that the maximum differential pressure is not exceeded based on temperature limits defined above.

Marksman PFT series filter cartridge retention ratings are based on Pall’s Dynamic Efficiency test protocol. This single pass, destructive challenge test is based on ASTM F-795 test procedures for determining the performance of a filter medium. Fine test dust is used as the test contaminant for filters in the 1 to 20 micron range. Coarse test dust is used for micron ratings above 20 micron. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Pall Corporation. NOTE: PFTM grade designations for 1, 3, 40, and 90 based on Beta 10 values, and all other grade designations are based on Beta 1000 values.


Large Format Filters


Pall Part Number = PFTM [1] [2] - [3] U [4] - [5] [6]

Table 1

Code Length option
Blank Standard

Table 2

Code Filter grades (μm)
1 1
3 3
5 5
10 10
20 20
40 40
70 70
90 90
150 150

Table 3

Code Cartridge lengths nominal
1 Size 1 bag
2 Size 2 bag
4 101.6 cm (40 in)

Table 4

Code Gasket materials
Blank For NF version
N Nitrile
E EPDM (peroxide cured)
V Fluorocarbon elastomer

Table 5

Code End configurations
PF Plastic self-adjusting flange
SF Stainless steel self-adjusting flange (required for temperatures >43°C/110°F)
NF No flange (for use with reusable SS flange)

Table 6

Code Flange/gasket styles3
A Pall Marksman Series vessels, Rosedale4, Strainrite, Krystil Klear5
B FSI BFNP Series vessels (side entry), GAF6
C FSI FSPN Series vessels (prior to June 2012), Hayward7 over the top
F FSI FSPN Series vessels (from June 2012)
CB FSI CBFP Series vessels

Pall Marksman “Fit-up” kits are available to help select the best sealing flange/gasket style. Contact your Pall representative for more information.

Rosedale is a registered trademark of Rosedale Products, Inc.
5 Krystil Klear is a registered trademark of Pentair Water Filtration.
6 GAF is a registered trademark of GAF Corporation.
Hayward is a registered trademark of Hayward Industrial Products, Inc.


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