Duo-Fine® E Series Filter Cartridges Produktbild Primary L

Duo-Fine® E Series Filter Cartridges

High Capacity Pleated Filter Cartridges With Microfiberglass Media

  • Unique microfiberglass media provides exceptional dirt-holding capacity for longer service life
  • 304 stainless steel center core and end caps available for high temperature applications
  • Small diameter fibers ensure high flow rates at low pressure drops
  • Economical alternative to stringwound cartridges
  • Available in retention ratings of 0.2 to 50 microns (μm)
  • Protective netting is color-coded for easy identification of micron ratings
  • End configurations to fit most housings
  • Core material options for different temperature compatibility

* Required

High Capacity Pleated Filter Cartridges With Microfiberglass Media

  • Unique microfiberglass media provides exceptional dirt-holding capacity for longer service life
  • 304 stainless steel center core and end caps available for high temperature applications
  • Small diameter fibers ensure high flow rates at low pressure drops
  • Economical alternative to stringwound cartridges
  • Available in retention ratings of 0.2 to 50 microns (μm)
  • Protective netting is color-coded for easy identification of micron ratings
  • End configurations to fit most housings
  • Core material options for different temperature compatibility

Materials of construction

Filter media:  
50 μm: Spunbonded polyester
All other grades: Borosilicate microfiberglass with
acrylic binder
Support material: Spunbonded polyester
Netting: Polypropylene
Hardware: Polypropylene or 304 stainless steel1
Sealing: Thermal bond
Gaskets/O-rings: Silicone elastomer, nitrile,
fluorocarbon elastomer,
hydrocarbon rubber, FEP
encapsulated silicone, expanded
PTFE, white nitrile, white silicone


Dimensions (nominal)

Outside Diameter: 6.6 cm (2.6 in)
Lengths: 10.2 cm (4 in), 24.8 cm (9.75 in),
25.4 cm (10 in), 49.5 cm (19.5 in),
50.8 cm (20 in), 74.3 cm (29.25 in),
76.2 cm (30 in), 99.1 cm (39 in),
101.6 cm (40 in)

1304 stainless steel end caps are epoxy bonded.

Performance Specifications

Filter grades
0.2, 0.45, 1, 3, 10, 30, 50 μm

Recommended change-out differential pressure1
2.4 bard (35 psid)

Maximum differential pressure
Polypropylene hardware
4.8 bard (70 psid) @ 20°C (68°F)
2.8 bard (40 psid) @ 65˚C (150˚F)
304 stainless steel hardware
5.2 bard (75 psid) @ 121°C (250°F)

All Duo-Fine E Series cartridges may be autoclaved for 30 minutes at 121°C (250°F) under no end load conditions.
Cartridges with 304 stainless steel core and end caps may be steamed in-line at 121°C (250°F) for up to one hour. Do not reverse flow under steam conditions, damage to the filter may occur.

Color Code Chart For Duo-Fine E Series

Netting Color Micron Rating
Yellow 0.45
White 1
Blue 3
Red 10
Purple 30
Orange 50

Particle Retention (μm)

  Liquid Service (by ASTM F-795 Test) Gas Service
Cartridge 90% >99.9% Removal
90% Efficiency >99.9% Efficiency Removal
by DOP Test
DFN 0.2 0.2 1.0 99.999%
DFN 0.45 0.45 2.0 99.998%
DFN 1 1.0 4.0 96%
DFN 3 3.0 10.0 ----------
DFN 10 10.0 18.0 ----------
DFN 30 30.0 45.0 ----------
DFN 50 50.0 75.0 ----------

Duo-Fine E Series filter cartridges have been extensively laboratory and field tested to determine removal efficiencies in the most stringent of operating conditions.

The removal rating of any filtration device will depend on, to some extent, the conditions under which it is used or tested. The test results will be influenced by the nature of the fluid, its viscosity, the flow rate, the type of contaminant, and the temperature.

The ratings given represent the diameter of the largest hard spherical particle that will pass through the filter during standard test. Contact Pall for a complete description of Pall's test procedures.

The DOP test measures the ability of the filter to capture fine droplets in air or gas. The retention ratings given represent the removal efficiencies with respect to an aerosol dispersion of 0.3 μm Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) particles.

Typical Flow vs. Differential Pressure for Application Sizing

Unit conversion: 1 bar = 100 kPa
Flow rate is for a 25.4 cm (10 in)cartridge. For liquids other than water, multiply differential pressure by fluid viscosity (cP).

1Provided that the maximum differential pressure is not exceeded based on temperature limits defined above.
Filter Cartridges

Pall Part Number = DFN [1] - [2] [3] [4] - [5] [6] [7]

Table 1

Code Filter
grades (μm)
0.2 0.2
0.45 0.45
1 1
3 3
10 10
30 30
50 50


Table 2

Code Cartridge
lengths (cm / in)
4 10.2 /4
9.75 24.8 /9.75
10 25.4 /10
19.5 49.5 /19.5
20 50.8 /20
29.25 74.3 /29.25
30 76.2 /30
39 99.1/ 39
40 101.6/40


Table 3

Code Core
U Polypropylene
A 304 stainless


Table 4

Code Gasket/O-ring
S Silicone
N Nitrile
E Hydrocarbon
V Fluorocarbon
T FEP encapsulated
silicone (O-rings)
M White silicone
W White nitrile
X No O-ring
(M2 style only)
T Expanded PTFE


Table 5

Code End configurations
Blank DOE with elastomer gasket seals & end caps
1X DOE, 2.54 cm (1 in) extended core
M2 SOE flat closed end, fits housings with 020
O-ring post (polypropylene hardware only)
M3 SOE flat closed end, external 222 O-rings
(retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 0) 3
(polypropylene hardware only)
M5 DOE internal 120 O-rings
(retrofits 213 O-ring style)3
(polypropylene hardware only)
M6 SOE flat closed end, external 226 O-rings
(retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 6)3
(polypropylene hardware only)
M7 SOE fin end, external 226 O-rings
(retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 7)3
(polypropylene hardware only)
M8 SOE fin end, external 222 O-rings
(retrofits other manufacturers’ Code 5)3
(polypropylene hardware only)
M10 DOE internal O-rings (fits other manufacturers’
housings)3 (polypropylene hardware only)
M11 SOE flat closed end, internal 120 O-ring
(retrofits other manufacturers’ X style)3
(polypropylene hardware only)


Table 6

Code Bubble test
Blank Sample bubble
B 100% bubble test


Table 7

Code Packaging
Blank Standard
-BLK Bulk packaging3


3For details, contact Pall Corporation.

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