Profile® A/S 1401 Series Filter Elements product photo Primary L

PPS-Profile® A/S 1401 Series Filter Elements

1401 Style Depth Filters Constructed of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) Medium
  • Proprietary depth construction with an absolute rated downstream section, and a continuously profiled pore size upstream section
  • PPS medium is chemically inert for use in aggressive service
  • Tin plated carbon steel cores provide excellent mechanical strength
  • Outside to inside flow
  • 3.7" (9.4 cm) diameter, 37" (94 cm) long element provides long service life
  • Knife-edge seal elements retrofit existing 1401 housings when used with specially designed 1401 housing adapter

Features and Benefits:

The depth style Profile A/S 1401 Series PPS filter element offers the following benefits versus commonly utilized pleated paper 1401 style filters.

FeatureAdvantageCustomer Benefit
No potting agents utilized No potting agents used to attach filter end caps as is done with 1401 style pleated paper elements Wider temperature and chemical compatibility
Depth style media Greater ability to remove soft deformable contaminants Enhanced fluid quality
Fine fibers utilized Medium void volume >80% vs <50% for paper medium  Long filter life

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1401 Style Depth Filters Constructed of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) Medium
  • Proprietary depth construction with an absolute rated downstream section, and a continuously profiled pore size upstream section
  • PPS medium is chemically inert for use in aggressive service
  • Tin plated carbon steel cores provide excellent mechanical strength
  • Outside to inside flow
  • 3.7" (9.4 cm) diameter, 37" (94 cm) long element provides long service life
  • Knife-edge seal elements retrofit existing 1401 housings when used with specially designed 1401 housing adapter

Features and Benefits:

The depth style Profile A/S 1401 Series PPS filter element offers the following benefits versus commonly utilized pleated paper 1401 style filters.

FeatureAdvantageCustomer Benefit
No potting agents utilized No potting agents used to attach filter end caps as is done with 1401 style pleated paper elements Wider temperature and chemical compatibility
Depth style media Greater ability to remove soft deformable contaminants Enhanced fluid quality
Fine fibers utilized Medium void volume >80% vs <50% for paper medium  Long filter life


Performance Specifications

Filter Grades:

Liquid:  60 micron 
Gas:  10 micron1 

Maximum Temperature Rating:
30 psid (2.0 bard) @ 400°F (205°C)
40 psid (2.8 bard) @ 200°F (93°C)

Maximum Operating Temperature:
400°F (205°C) in most fluids excluding strong acids and bases2.
Soak test in process fluid recommended for all temperatures
in excess of 250°F (121°C).

Product Specifications

Materials of Construction

Filter media: Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)
Center core: Tin plated carbon steel

Dimensions (nominal):

Outside diameter: 3.7" (9.4 cm)
Inside diameter: 2.25" (5.7 cm)
Length:  36.8" (93.5 cm) 

Filter Media Characteristics:
The fibers in Profile A/S 1401 Series filters are continuous for
practical purposes.

Surfactants, Binders:
No binder resin or surfactants are used in the manufacture of
these filters. Fibers are “bonded” by intertwining during the
manufacturing process.

The filter media meets the specifications for biological tests
listed in the current revision of USP for Class VI plastics at 121°C


1 Gas rating translated from determined liquid rating based on experience.

Users should check compatibility of specific process fluids prior to use.


Particle Retention

Removal Rating
Liquid Service
Micron at 99.9%

Beta 1000
Typical Clean
Pressure Drop


Typical Clean
Pressure Drop


R1401FPS600 60 .0016 .0289
3 Ratings determined using oil F2 Test (ISO Coarse Test Dust in MIL-H-5606; single pass mode).

4 Pressure drop in PSI per GPM water for a single element. Multiply this value by the required flow to determine the total aqueous pressure drop. Next, for fluids other than water, multiply by viscosity in centipoise. If this calculated pressure drop is excessive, then divide this value by the number of filters required to reduce this pressure drop to an acceptable level.


MCC1401 Housings - Aqueous Pressure Drop

To calculate the actual housing pressure drop, multiply this aqueous pressure drop by the fluid’s specific gravity. This value must be added to the filter pressure drop to calculate the overall pressure drop of the filter system.


Filter Cartridges


Housing Information

A full line of standard and custom Pall MCC1401 housings, designed and built to the ASME code, are available. Refer to Table 2 for more information.

A Pall supplied retrofit tie rod assembly is required to utilize Profile A/S 1401 style elements in existing 1401 style housings. This assembly allows for use of a knife edge seal style element in a housing that normally accepts end capped filters with internal O-rings.

The retrofit assembly consists of a top and bottom seat cup and tie rod. The bottom O-ring to knife-edge seal cup is placed over the housing riser pipe. The Profile A/S 1401 Series element is placed over each tie rod. The elements are sealed in place by screwing the top metal seal nut onto the top of the tie rod. When fully engaged, the tie rod/seal nut assembly forms a knife-edge sealing surface at both the top and bottom of the element.

Table 2. Standard MCC1401 Housings - Carbon Steel, Rated 285 psig/19.6 bar, and 100°F/37°C

Part NumberNumber
of Filters
Nominal Vessel
Flange Size

(empty) lb/kg

(full) lb/kg 
1MCC0603F1285 1 6.625/168.3 3/76.2 54.25/1378 200/91 250/113
4MCC1004F1285 4 10.75/273.1 4/101.6 59/1498.6 440/199 585/265
5MCC1206F1285 5 12.75/323.9 6/152.4 64/1625.6 680/308 925/419
9MCC1608F1285 9 16/406 8/203.2 84/2133.6 1070/485 1570/712
15MCC2010F1285 15 20/508 10/254 93/2362.2 2000/907 2750/1247
19MCC2412F1285 19 24/609.6 12/304.8 110/2794 2300/1043 3500/1587

Retrofit Tie Rod Assembly


Petrochem quench water, Chem Intermediate Product (Other), Chem Raw Material - Liquid, Amine/Benfield /Other Solvent loop, Catalyst protection, Chemicals Raw Material / Gas/Air, Poly Cmdty Intermediate (Fluids), Poly Cmdty Raw Material (Fluids), Poly Engrd & Spcl Intermediate (Fluids), Poly Engrd & Spcl Raw Material (Fluids), Chem Final Product (Liquid)


Petro Chem, Chemicals, Chemicals, Petro Chem, Petro Chem, Chemicals, Polymer, Polymer, Polymer, Polymer, Chemicals


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