Epocel® Series Filter Elements product photo Primary L

Epocel® Series Epoxy Filter Elements

Pleated, High Area Epoxy Filter Cartridges for Long Service Life
  • Epoxy Impregnated Cellulosic Media with a Fixed Pore Construction Eliminates Unloading and Media Migration
  • Broad Chemical Compatibility
  • Recommended for Use with a Wide Range of Fluids and Gases Including Photographic Emulsions and Developer Chemicals, Lube Oil, Printing Inks, Air, Nitrogen, Ammonia, and Natural Gas
  • Not Recommended for Food or Pharmaceutical Applications

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Pleated, High Area Epoxy Filter Cartridges for Long Service Life
  • Epoxy Impregnated Cellulosic Media with a Fixed Pore Construction Eliminates Unloading and Media Migration
  • Broad Chemical Compatibility
  • Recommended for Use with a Wide Range of Fluids and Gases Including Photographic Emulsions and Developer Chemicals, Lube Oil, Printing Inks, Air, Nitrogen, Ammonia, and Natural Gas
  • Not Recommended for Food or Pharmaceutical Applications

Performance Specifications

Maximum Differential Pressure
Polypropylene Hardware:
80 psid (5.5 bard) @ 122ºF (50ºC)
45 psid (3.1 bard) @ 180ºF (82ºC) 
Stainless Steel Hardware: 75 psid (5.2 bard) @ 275ºF (135ºC)

Product Specifications

Materials of Construction:
Filter Media:  Epoxy Impregnated Cellulose
Hardware:  Polypropylene or 300 Series Stainless Steel 
Gaskets:  Buna N, fluorocarbon elastomer1 A, Ethylene Propylene 

Dimensions (nominal):
Industrial (1001 style):
Outside Diameter:  2 3/4" (70 mm)
Length:  10" (254 mm)
Configuration:   DOE with stainless steel hardware

UNI CAP Style:
Outside Diameter: 2 1/2" (64 mm)
10" (254 mm), 20" (508 mm),
30" (762 mm), 40" (1020 mm) 
Configuration:  DOE with polypropylene hardware 

Small Flow (4463 style): 
Outside Diameter:  2 1/4" (57 mm)
Length:  5 1/4" (133 mm)
Configuration: SOE with stainless steel hardware

Removal Ratings and Flow Specifications

Service (µm)

Clean Pressure Drop4 per 10"
PSID per 1 GPM (mbard/lpm)
(UNI CAP & 1000 Style)
Service (µm)

EC 3 23 0.03 (0.55) 0.07 0.9
EE 10 30 0.02 (0.36) 1.5 5.0
EG 30 49 0.01 (0.18) 11 23

1 - Registered trademark of DuPont Dow.
2 - Nominal Filtration Rating:
    Pall ratings reflect a higher than average 98% removal by weight.
3 - Absolute Filtration Rating:
   The diameter of the largest hard spherical particle that will pass through a filter under specified test conditions.
   This is an indication of the largest opening in the filter element.
4 - Pressure drop in psi per gpm water for a single 10" (254 mm) module. Multiply this value by the required flow to
   determine the total aqueous pressure drop. For fluids other than water, multiply differential pressure by viscosity (cP).
   If this calculated pressure drop is excessive, then divide this value by the number of 10" modules required to reduce
   this pressure drop to an acceptable level.

Housing Information

Housings are available in polypropylene, carbon steel, or
stainless steel and can accommodate one to 356 10" modules
per housing. Contact Pall for further details.

Filter Cartridges

Part Numbers/Ordering Information

Element Part Number
UNI CAP Style:                  PUY    
Industrial 1001 Style:      MCS 1001
Small Flow 4463 Style:   MCS 4463 EC

Cartridge Lengths
1 10"
2 20"
3 30"
4 40"

Cartridge Grade

Gasket Option
H13 Buna N
(Standard for 1001 Style)
H fluorocarbon elastomer A
J Ethylene Propylene
(Standard for UNI CAP Style)


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