Vector™ Series Filter Cartridges Produktbild Primary L

Vector™ Series Filter Cartridges

Retrofit filter for existing bag filter housings


The Vector bag filter upgrade filter cartridge employs Pall's unique “Laid Over Pleat" technology to offer extended service life to your process applications. Directly retrofittable into bag housings, the Vector filter is available in traditional Size 1, Size 2 and 40 inch options. Available with both polypropylene and polyester filter media, the Vector filter offers a versatile option for coarse applications that require greater dirt-holding capacity and chemical compatibility versus that typically seen with bag filters or bag filter upgrade cartridge options.

  • Ideal for continuous flow applications where nominally-rated, coarse filtration is needed
  • Greater chemical compatibility vs. conventional bag filters (polyester media option)
  • Greater surface area with Pall's proprietary laid-over pleat geometry allows for more dirt-holding capacity
  • Longer on stream life vs. competitive bag filter upgrades
  • Manufactured under ISO 9001 quality system

* Required

Retrofit filter for existing bag filter housings


The Vector bag filter upgrade filter cartridge employs Pall's unique “Laid Over Pleat" technology to offer extended service life to your process applications. Directly retrofittable into bag housings, the Vector filter is available in traditional Size 1, Size 2 and 40 inch options. Available with both polypropylene and polyester filter media, the Vector filter offers a versatile option for coarse applications that require greater dirt-holding capacity and chemical compatibility versus that typically seen with bag filters or bag filter upgrade cartridge options.

  • Ideal for continuous flow applications where nominally-rated, coarse filtration is needed
  • Greater chemical compatibility vs. conventional bag filters (polyester media option)
  • Greater surface area with Pall's proprietary laid-over pleat geometry allows for more dirt-holding capacity
  • Longer on stream life vs. competitive bag filter upgrades
  • Manufactured under ISO 9001 quality system

Typical Applications

  • Oil and Gas: frac water disposal, produced water, general disposal well protection
  • Chemicals: epoxy resin, disposal wells, feed streams, industrial resins and coatings, agricultural chemicals, acids, alkali's, solvents, silicone solutions, disposal wells, water treatment, final product, tank car loading and unloading
  • Pulp & Paper: shower press, spray nozzle protection, pulp bleaching filter.
  • Paint/Automotive: paint feedstocks, intermediates, final products
Materials of construction
Filter media Polypropylene, polyester
Cage Polypropylene
Support/drainage Nylon
Flange options Stainless steel, polypropylene
Flange gasket options Fluorocarbon elastomer, nitrile, EPDM

Dimensions (nominal)
Outside Diameter 158.8 mm (6.25 in)
Lengths Size 1 cartridge, Size 2 cartridge,
40 inch cartridge (1016 mm)
Filter grades
1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 µm

Recommended change-out differential pressure1
2.4 bard (35 psid)

Maximum differential pressure
5.2 bard (75 psid) @ 20°C (68°F)
2.4 bard (35 psid) @ 74°C (165°F)

Maximum operating temperature2, 3
80°C (176°F)

1 Provided that the maximum differential pressure is not exceeded based on temperature limits defined above.
2 With compatible fluids.
3 Stainless steel flange is recommended for operating temperatures above 43°C (110°F)
Large Format Filters

Pall Part Number = [1] V [2] - [3][4][5] - [6][7] - NH

Table 1

Code Media
PE Polyester
PO Polypropylene

Table 2

Code Filter grades (µm)
1 1
5 5
10 10
25 25
50 50
100 100

Table 3

Code Cartridge lengths nominal
1 Size 1 cartridge
2 Size 2 cartridge

40 inch cartridge (1016 mm)


Table 4

Code Hardware
U Polypropylene

Table 5

Code Sealing material
N Nitrile
V Fluorocarbon elastomer

Table 6

Code End configurations4
PF Plastic self-adjusting flange
SF Stainless steel self-adjusting flange
NF No flange (for use with reusable stainless steel flange

Table 7

Code Flange/gasket style
A Pall Marksman Series vessels, Rosedale5, Strainrite, Krystil Klear6

FSI Non-Polylock (Square Bore) FSPN Series vessels

F FSI Polylock FSPN Series vessels
CB FSI CBFP Series vessels7

4 Stainless steel flange is recommended for operating temperatures above 43°C (110°F).
5 Rosedale is a registered trademark of Rosedale Products, Inc.
6 Krystil Klear is a registered trademark of Pentair Water Filtration.
7 Installation of Marksman cartridge with CB flange requires an additional housing hold down plate as follows:
Part Number Description
ERA286666C CBFP 11/12 Hold-Down Plate, Stainless Steel, 2" Inlet
ERA286667C CBFP 11/12 Hold-Down Plate, Stainless Steel, 3" Inlet

Flange Part Numbers

PN Description
T20095030 A style s/s slide flange
T20095031 B style s/s slide flange
T20095032 C style s/s slide flange
T20095036 CB style s/s slide flange
T20095035 F style s/s slide flange

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